Thursday, May 19, 2005

Is Anyone Still Working on Tempting?

I haven't seen a post recently on everyone's progress on Tempting. How's everyone doing. I was away for almost two weeks in training for work and also traveling in NYC with my bf. I did get to work on Tempting somewhat and have a little bit of progress to show. I'm at 12 inches now and only 3 more to go before I begin working on the sleeves. I see all these people out in blog-land who say Tempting is such a fast and easy knit, which it is simple, since it is such a K2,P2 ribbing, but I am finding it a bit tedious. It seems like I can knit and knit, but I barely make any progress. But I know I'm in the home stretch now, less than 10 inches to go on the whole thing before I'm done.

Here's a picture of my progess thus far:
Posted by Hello

I guess that's about it. I'm going to try and work on it some more tonight to make every so slowly progress.

Talk to you all later,


Blogger Mei Travis said...

May I join too? I'm about 8 inches into tempting, and I'm a great poster!

10:33 PM  
Blogger Musicalme Designs said...

I'm still working on it but lately I've had knitter's ADD plus I started work on something that I need instead of just want. anyway I'll post pics of my progress when I get new batteries in my digi cam.

7:23 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I've had trouble motivating myself to pick up that k2p2 ribbing... maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I'd picked a softer yarn.

1:45 PM  

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